Bots ‘n’ Batteries - By Team Critical Hit


Bots ‘n’ Batteries is a twin-stick shooter created within one week for the BIGMODE-jam 2025, where the main theme is power. The game consists of multiple waves of up to four enemy types and one hulking boss. In the game, your goal is keep your health from depleting by destroying robots and gathering their batteries meanwhile the more batteries you obtain the faster your special weapon will charge. To win, you have to destroy each spawned enemy including the boss.


The year is 22XX, There has been a sudden malfunction in the universal cyber security mainframe server, all security bots have gone rogue after recieving a new battery upgrade, now they view humanity as a virus. Their last line of defense lingers on Voltstella, a older model security droid unaffected by the virus, with help of her special voltaic beam infuser, she is able to convert power from batteries to pure energy to fight back!

Supported Inputs - Mouse/Keyboard and Controller

NOTE: If you don't hear sound in the menus, click inside the game window. 


  • Chase Cobb : Programming and Technical Lead
  • Magnaremora : Audio / Visual effects, Texture & Asset Refinement, Cover Art
  • Artificer-111 : Concept Art and Creative Contributions


  • Game Engine : Unity with FMOD
  • Sound Software : FL Studio 11 and FMOD
  • Art Software : Spritemancer, PixelFX Designer and Photoshop


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I love the aesthetic! I also like the mechanics of trying to keep the meter high by grabbing batteries; it kept me in the fight longer!

Thank you! Keeping your battery gauge high also makes your special attacks charge faster! ;)

This game was awesome! wonderful art and music and fun shooting!

Thank you for playing!


"Hey this game isn't too difficul...oh my god." Really cool artstyle, great music. Awesome job!

Haha, we're here to test your mettle, and provide tasty jams! Thanks for playing!

What a fun experience!
Great gameplay and that music is a winner! 10/10 would shoot again XD

Thank you for playing and for the comment! 10/10 would read again!!